Wednesday, January 20, 2010

RM Updates : 2.50MP10 released, Quickstart-spain OBX automated, User manual to setup testing environment for openbravoERP, Scrum master less sprint.

MaintancePack Release:
2.50MP10 is released. OBX and the update through the MMC is available exclusively for professional customers. The appliance, tarball are available for everyone.

Quickstart-spain OBX: Created new job to build QuickStart-spain obx with this automation we are ensure better quality through all the development cycle, which leads to stable release dates and high quality in solution.
Latest obx is available here

User manual:
Created guide on how to replicate the Openbravo ERP running in a production environment into a testing environment.

Scrum master less sprint:
We successfully made this sprint with no scrum master, which means we shared the work of Scrum Master and we have two people from the team on rotation to represent Scrum-of-Scrum and ScrumMaster's meeting.